Volunteer Contributions

My goal is to bridge the gap in understanding and experience between various roles in Taiwan's tech industry.

I organize activities to address misconceptions about these roles and provide a platform for professionals and newcomers alike to gain insights and inspiration. These activities offer a chance to see how others work in the field, fostering a community where people can learn and seek guidance.
What Did We do

My Volunteer Life

As a committed volunteer, I've been part of Google's Women Techmakers Taipei (WTM) for about 4 years, contributing to diversity in tech. WTM, Google's Women Techmakers program, provides visibility, community, and resources for women in technology.

Lead Project

2021 I lead a collaborative project that develops a user-centric website for I-Life, a non-profit organization, enhancing its public engagement and outreach, while also providing a practical learning platform for team members to gain real-world experience in design, development, and stakeholder interaction.

Communities I collaborate with

Other Voluntary Contributions

Organizer for UI/UX Conference

Over 100 Participants: 4-Year Journey
Annually, we host collaborative tech events and workshops within Taiwan's active tech community. These include day-long conferences where we share the latest tech knowledge, experiences, and stories focusing on women's involvement in technology.

Mentor and organizer for side project

Engineers and UI/UX Professionals for Collaborative Cooperation
We launch various side projects for participants and actively recruit diverse roles, including designers and engineers, to join. Our objective is to foster dialogue and collaboration between UI/UX designers and engineers, bridging gaps within the industry.

Share work experience to students

Empowering Students with Industry Insights
Partnering closely with college communities, we provide assistance and share our experiences to help students understand our field and gain insights into the industry.

UX dinner party

Monthly UX Dinner Party Discussions
Our monthly UX dinner events are an opportunity for diverse professionals to come together, discuss UX challenges, and collaboratively find solutions. These dinners foster community engagement and knowledge sharing.

Host UX book club 3 years

Bi-Weekly UX Book Club Discussions
Every two weeks, I host a UX book club where we select a UX-related book to read. Within this fortnightly cycle, we gather to discuss our observations and opinions about the book, fostering a space for learning and exchanging ideas. So far, we've explored and discussed seven different UX books.

Keep in touch

Enjoy Creating UX

As a senior product designer, I have designed for a variety of platforms, including native apps, TV apps, and websites. I also help product growth with data tools and contribute to the growth of the UIUX industry in Taiwan.
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